For Nothing Was She Judged More Harshly Than Her Failure At The Maintenance And Proper Care Of A No Longer Youthful Body
Hydrocal plaster, chicken wire fencing, wood, qouache, recycled handmade crocheted doilie
108 x 97 x 23 inches
This sculpture hangs in a corner.
Dotted By Life But Good
Hydrocal plaster, fabric, wood, steel, gouache, watercolor, bowling alley wax
60 x 16 x 14 inches
El Tornado
Hydrocal plaster, wire, wood, steel, gouache
57 x 16 x 9 inches
Goya’s Rosie
Hydrocal plaster, wood, recycled handmade braided rugs, linen, gouache
81 x 51 x 7 inches
Say It Isn’t So
Hydrocal plaster, recycled hand-braided rugs, wood, steel, wire, gouache
46 x 22 x 17 inches
This sculpture hangs in the corner.
For Whom The Bell
Hydrocal plaster, wood, steel, gouache, paste wax
66 x 14 x 16 inches
Perhaps One Day Even This Will Be A Joy To Recall
Hydrocal plaster, wood, wool felt, gouache
85 x 26 x 15 inches
corner work
Shell Shocked
Hydrocal plaster, wood, wool felt, gouache
85 x 26 x 15 inches
corner work